Wellness Advisement.

When we are out of balance our life can feel problematic. Let me help you get unstuck.


Self Evaluation.

At times we can feel stuck. We can sit in the areas where in which our lives feel like a disappointment and get lost in the overwhelming. Together we can focus in on where there is choice and evaluate behaviors that may be in the way of the life that is desired.

Create Goals.

Whether you have tangible goals already set or feel completely lost without direction or somewhere in between, together we can design and navigate your desired outcomes through deciphering how you want to feel and what values you wish to represent.


Action Plan.

It all begins with an idea. Then together, we can build a path to make your dreams a reality. With support, structure, evaluations, accountability, and establishing mental fortitude, we will devise a plan to move you toward what you want.

***Sessions $175/hour. Initial consultation is free.