
About Me.

My favorite question to ask is, ‘Is that okay with you?’, because this is your life, and you get the ability to dictate how it should look.

I have had numerous identities: daughter, sister, friend, girlfriend, spouse, ex, student, bartender, artist, teacher, yogi, coach, therapist, leader, follower, motivator, dreamer… I have worked many jobs, had many relationships, and encountered many lives, personally and professionally. I have dominated the game and screwed up royally, many times. I am grateful for each interaction because they have brought me to this humble place that I have worked so hard to arrive at while still seeing I have a long way to go.

I received my BA in Public Relations and Advertising and returned back to school for Visual Merchandising, Nutrition and Fitness Coaching, Yoga Instruction, and Trauma Informed Teaching before finally getting a MS in Counseling Psychology. Currently I am in the process of acquiring my PsyD in Counseling Psychology and I am looking forward to being “Dr. Dodson”. I enjoy learning, exercising, hiking, eating, and the company of my epic friends and incredible family. I love travelling and am set on international travel at least annually. The loves of my life are my rescue pit bulls, Jaxon and Zoey.

I am honored to be on the path I have chosen because it allows me to be the authentic me. And I like me. And I want you to like you: the authentic you. That does not mean being in alignment with every step you take but rather aligning yourself with your values and moving forward with your own unique purpose intact. I want to see your best life realized. I want to work with you, support you, and admire you.